Sunday, July 1, 2012

Learn About the Threat to Key Tropical Forest Corridor Presented by Banana Plantation

Wildlife Alliance is doing everything we can to positively influence the Cambodian government and Australian firm Indochina Gateway Capital Limited to not move forward with a proposed banana plantation in the Southern Cardamom Mountains that will have disastrous effects on the elephant corridor we have worked so hard to protect. Also at risk, should the project move forward, is a complex wetland and river ecosystem, one of the few remaining habitats on Earth for the critically endangered Siamese crocodile and a nesting ground for the exceedingly rare Southern River Terrapin, or Royal Turtle.
The video above recounts our concerns with the proposed plantation. Please take a look to learn more about the latest threat to this beautiful ecosystem. We hope that our concerns will lead the government to decide against the plantation, just as it recently did concerning a destructive titanium mine project that we strongly opposed.
Wildlife Alliance recently proposed an alternative plantation location to Indochina Gateway as a win-win solution: Move the proposed location of the plantation to the nearby province of Kampot, where the same beneficial conditions exist (i.e. excellent water supply and good soil), but where the plantation would be closer to a harbor and labor sources, and in a truly degraded forest in low-priority ecosystem. Unfortunately, the local company representative has so far been unwilling to consider or discuss location alternatives. Please write to Indochina Gateway Capital (through partner firm BKK Partners) or former Australian federal Treasurer Peter Costello, managing director of BKK Partners, to help us influence them toward environmentally responsible investment.
Thank you to all the wildlife protectors around the world who follow our battles to preserve the wildlife and rainforest of the Cardamom Mountain rainforest. Your continued support and participation is vital to helping us protect this precious region!

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